Jul 21,2016
The name of the oval liner made from one kind of high-chromium iron alloy, these years is very famous in China due to its high wear resistant feature and its longer service life. The alloy name is Omega 101A, its R & D creator is Shanghai Omega. Its corresponding material number to the Company of Werner & Pfleiderer GMBH in Germany is 1.2292.2, which is also known as 043.
The high wear-resistant alloy which takes Omega 101A as the Fe-base play a role in anti-wear by the uniform distribution of silicon carbide, manganese carbide, chromium carbide and other different types of micro-carbides in the iron substrate. Our company takes advantage of the PM-HIP technology way to make this oval liner. HIP way, that is one kind of high-temperature isostatic pressing molding method, the improved German high wear-resistant powder material with low expansion(specially at high temperature) is filled in the mold cavity first, and then into a hot isostatic processing furnace, under a relatively high temperature and high pressure, the molecular of materials is moving speed-up under squeezing pressure, we could get a new oval liner with high-density and high-wear feature. The technique fills the blank of manufacturing the heart of the parallel Twin-screw extruder by high-difficulty technology in China and significantly meets the industry expectations.
The average of the Macro-hardness annotation of the oval liner with 101A alloy is HRC58~64.
101A has equivalence in the whole set of content in steel and the physical properties to those of the high-wear white cast iron KmTBCr26. It’s other physical properties are as follows:
Intensity of tension: ≥350MPa
Breaking Strain: =0.03%
Melting range: 2020 ~ 2060°F
Microstructure: Under-cast, it is eutectic carbide M7C3 + austenite; in the hardened state it is the eutectic carbide M7C3 + secondary carbide + fine needle-like tempered martensite + residual austenite (the Chinese letter M is on behalf of Fe, Cr and other metal atoms, C on behalf of carbon atoms)
Density: ≥ 7.50g / cm3
Thermal expansion coefficient: it is quite different from the average medium-carbon alloy steel. The average medium-carbon steel and its thermal coefficient of thermal expansion is proportional to the temperature, while the performance of alloy material 101A is to the contrary. It has an inversely proportional relationship between temperature and its heat. Experimental analysis of the average coefficient of thermal expansion can be compared as follows:
Material temperature Omega 101A alloy Ordinary carbon steel
Line Expansion Coefficient Linear Expansion Coefficient
15℃ ~ 250℃ average 14.23×10-6/0F average of 12.68×10-6/0F
15℃ ~ 400℃ average 14.18×10-6/0F average of 12.78×10-6/0F
The above product manufactured through the PM-HIP technology is constrained by the company Werner & Pfleiderer GMBH company, so the specific material formula is not allowed to release, please be understanding.
Chief Engineer Office
Shanghai Omega Machinery Co., Ltd
Shanghai Omega Machinery Co., Ltd.
Add.: No.168 Hualian Road, Putuo District, Shanghai City
Contact: Williams Wu
Tel.: +86-021-69921527
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E-mail: alphawu@126.com;965425705@qq.com
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